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Community Action for
Healing Poverty Organization
CAHPO has been established as local CSO by a group of volunteers’ expertise in 2013 in response to the increasing needs for delivery of humanitarian and development services in Afghanistan and its proper registration at Ministry of Economy. Our working model has always been premised on the assumption that we would work in partnership with other organizations and stakeholders; offering our professional experiences and adding value to services.
Align to national strategy, we believe on reducing poverty through provision of educational and capacity building initiatives at community level and focusing on “to educate girls and boys” those are the future of country, along with other thematic areas. Though existence many challenges, we use different means of action to include women and girls in developmental and humanitarian initiatives for bringing up their capability and roles.
We have grown a lot and draw on years of experience of providing practical support to the people living at midst of conflict.
CAHPO has partnered with different line ministries such as Ministry of Education, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation & Development, Ministry Refugee & Repatriation and Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, & Livestock.
CAHPO is member of different coordination bodies where we share our programs with other NGOs and partners.

10+ Years of Experience

- Agency Coordination Body for Afghan Relief and Development – ACBAR, acbar.org
- Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB) http://www.ancb.org/
- NGOs DRR working group under ANDMA structure
- Climate Action Network in South Asia (CANSA), www.cansouthasia.net, in Afghanistan
- Child Right Cluster that operate under SAARC flatform in Afghanistan
- Food Security Cluster – FSAC, under FAO lead
- GBV Cluster, under UNICEF lead
- WASH Cluster, under MoRRD and UNICIF lead
- Partner to OCHA /AHF platform for implementation of humanitarian program through different clusters in Afghanistan
- Member as certified organization at AICS for maintaining of standard
- CAHPO is a strategic partner of Action Aid and Counterpart Int in Afghanistan and implement their program since 2016.
- Implementing partner with other UN agencies such as UNHCR and WFP and FAO
CAHPO has been established in response to increasing needs to reduce the poverty at community level through using of local approach.
We believe that people living in areas affected by different means of disasters, should be involved in decision making for positive change in development process at their home location. Our working model is designed on the assumption that we would work in partnership with other organizations and communities; exchange the professional experiences and adding value where we could for the benefit of affected communities.
To reduce poverty throughout provision of livelihood, education and capacity building programs on community level, CAHPO equally focus on girls’ and boys’ education and youth participation those are the future of country and have key role in poverty reduction. CAHPO believes that girls’ education has significant impact on poverty reduction in long term, where there is no equal attention to them yet. CAHPO use different means to include youth, women and girls into developmental and humanitarian initiatives for bringing up their capability and role in projects’ design and implementation.
Worth to mention that leadership of CAHPO is strongly committed to building a society that is will be free from poverty, corruption and discrimination where everyone has the right of access to fairs and adequate services. For materializing of our dream, we use all means of approaches to make synergy that will cause our success to reaching our beneficiary and objective.
- Organization’s Mandate
- Capacity Building
- Professionalism
- Culture Sensitivity
- Advocacy and Networking
- Monitoring and Evaluation
Following organizational mandate provides essential guideline to organization’s community development interventions.
- Carryout programmatic interventions that lead to community mobilization, empowerment, participation and local resource mobilization at the grassroots level.
- Assist communities in efforts leading to self-help and ultimately self-reliance.
- In participation with various stakeholders, support efforts aimed at promoting sustainable livelihoods, food security, micro-enterprise development and income generating activities for the uplifting of the socio-economic status of communities that result on poverty free community.
- Provide support for infrastructure development projects/programs based on the communities’ assessed needs.
- Carryout interventions that help preservation of environment, promote sustainable development practices, gender awareness, poverty alleviation and human rights aspects.
- Assist disaster mitigation activities/projects/programs in affected target areas.
- Programs efforts that nurture peace-building and post-conflict rehabilitation in accordance with the accepted norms of social justices, democratic culture and pluralistic values.
- Promote measures that promote institutional and organizational development and the sustainability of the organization as an on-going process.
CAHPO is committed to improve the capacity of human resources within the country that ensure participation of women in rehabilitation of Afghanistan. So that men and women resume full responsibilities toward developmental activities for both improvements of themselves and their country.
The core part of developmental activities that lead to achieve selected goals is professionalism. CAHPO is in the process to change its direction toward developmental activities where empowerment of the community and the sustainability of the projects are ensured. Therefore, CAHPO being as local NGO strives to implement its activities and provide services that ensure professionalism. We are committed to endeavor to the values that are essential to the development of human resources and economic growth of the county. We believe that it is steady process and we struggle to achieve the highest standards both in our office environment and in our projects in the field.
one of the important elements in shaping Afghanistan political and social scenario has been cultural values which are miss-interpreted by those having influence in community. CAHPO as a non-governmental organization is committed to respect people’s perceptions and at the same time try to 7 convince them for a positive change that is critical for their social and economic wellbeing. This policy has given strength to CAHPO to work in the grassroots level and get community’s trust and cooperation.
in the context of Afghanistan advocacy and networking is one of the important tools for mobilizing the community and networking with other stakeholders for bringing positive changes in the status and behavior of Afghan community including men and women. CAHP also sees networking a practical way to reach larger groups of people and share experience with like-minded organizations. We believe that mobilizing Afghan community for change is possible but requires time, patience and hard work.
Finally, in order to track progress and enhance learning and quality, an effective system of monitoring and evaluation that includes assessment of on-the-ground results is needed, developing such a monitoring and evaluation system is possible when CAHPO has the required budget. However, CAHPO monthly, quarterly and annual reports prepare the ground for the timely correction of the challenges during implementation of the projects. Thus giving CAHPO an overview of the progress made in project sites on implementation of the planned activities in line with CAHPO program strategy. We also conduct annual general assembly where CAHPO overall activities are presented to the staff members who then give their comments on the improvement of activities.
Additionally, CAHPO management and project staff physically monitor project activities to identify barriers and solve them and comment on improvement of activities.
CAHPO’s technical and managerial staff obtained enough useful experiences from implementation of enormous program and will use it in future.
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The majority have suffered alteration injected gets humours randomises.
CAHPO Facts & Figures
We stand with pride to have the trust and support of our donors, team and people.