Key Experience
Resilient Community for Peace and Development Program
CAHPO believe to build peace through delivering of development and humanitarian program at least at grassroots level. The concept to solve the local conflict between the people help supporting peace initiative at other higher level in country which result of sustainable peace for Afghans.
For instance, CAHPO is implementing interventions of WASH and other program under the ‘resilient community for peace and development program’ in communities selected for the program. The resilient communities program links development and peace initiatives and within these initiatives the various components of peace and development with each other. The main components where for instance WASH program will have synergies include: working on the drinking water sources can prevent water wastage and proper allocation of water. This can save water for irrigation, which can result in increased productivity of agricultural land bringing more income to farming communities.
Further synergies can be established through the establishment of WASH committees in communities. In rural communities in Afghanistan, conflicts over water resources are very common. These conflicts may not always result in violence, but they do erode the social cohesion amongst and between communities. Having an inclusive approach, and building the capacity of WASH committees in peace building techniques will add to community resilience, the goal of the program.
Household Survey for Food Security and Livelihood for FAO and MAIL in Logar Province
CAHPO has conducted a comprehensive Household Survey in Logar Province for UN-Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and MAIL in 2018 and collected a very accurate information and data that has been submitted to FAO and DAIL for further process. CAHPO has conducted this survey based on volunteerism concept and used its own resources.
Duration for CAHPO: 1 July 2018 to 31 Aug 2018
Location: Logar Province
Fund: CAHPO’s own resources based on Volunteerism
Experience with UN in Afghanistan
CAHPO is active partner of United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and implementing the Legal Advice Program in Kabul, Herat, and Parwan provinces (Legal Advice and Assistance to Asylumseekers, Refugees and Stateless Persons in Prison and Detention). CAHPO’s Partnership Code with UNHCR is 1001224. CAHPO is member of UN Protection Cluster as well and regularly attending its meetings under UNHCR chairing. CAHPO undertake projects from ES/NFI and FSAC and WASH clusters at different provinces.
CAHPO is grass rooted NGO in Ghor and other provinces
Since CAHPO is implementing the LRP program in Jawzjan, our main office for north is located in Sheberghan and project office in Khoja Doko district of Jawzjan.
CAHPO has well-equipped office in Jawzjan that provide the deserved beneficiaries with access to basic services and assistance. 15 Meanwhile, CAHPO has regional office in Herat where implement UNHCR project and has provincial office in Ghor were involved in water and irrigation program. CAHPO conducted number of rapid assessments of displacement, movement and drought and shared to UNHCR for assistance and further process. CAHPO has built wide networks among the community and local authority and enjoying for being trusted by community and authority in Ghor and Herat. CAHPO is fully oriented with humanitarian context in Ghor, Herat, Saripul, Kandahar, Badghis, Samangan and Faryab provinces where the people are suffering from increasing situation of drought and conflict. CAHPO conducts advocacy on local and regional levels for the right of conflict and disaster affected people in Ghor and Jawzjan province.
Networking with Schools’ Children in China
CAHPO has partnered with a schools’ network in China that is managed by Soong Ching Ling School in Shanghai in China in 2017. Through this network we connected students of Afghan schools to the student in China for exchanging of their views, message and gifts. Through this network, the schools’ student in China provide some materials such as school uniform, shoes, heavy cloths, notebooks, pens, drawing books, geometric box, rulers, and so many items as gift to the student in Afghan schools’ children. CAHPO and Soong Ching Ling Schools cover the transportation and other related expenses to the shipment up to distention. CAHPO coordinate the distribution of received items in close coordination with Ministry of Education and distribute the items on most deserved students and report back to Soong Ching Ling School in China. This program is called student to student program for motivation of Afghan children to keep attending the schools. CAHPO provide the opportunity to the selected children for exchanging their views and messages to each other in Afghanistan and China. At the result of this volunteer program, we could re-opening number of girls’ schools in Wardak provinces those were closed down due to insecurity and lack of support in past.
Initiative of support the Afghan Youth:
Afghanistan Emerging Civil Society Leaders Alumni Network (AECSLAN)
Afghanistan Emerging Civil Society Leaders Alumni Network (AECSLAN)
CAHPO has key role in establishment and supporting of this network through different means. Below is the overview of AECSLAN’s objective and mission:
AECSLAN, founded in 2013 is a national network of Afghan non-governmental, non-political and not for profit organizations that was established to help in the social and economic development and contribute to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Afghanistan. The network has been established by youth (male and female) lead CSOs after completion of Counterpart International Initiative to Promote Afghan Civil Society program, called Afghan Civil Society Emerging Leaders. The Emerging Leaders program was an initiative designed to identify, introduce and support 34 civil society emerging leaders across Afghanistan by pairing them with a seasoned civil society mentor over a six-month period. The program provided trainings which focused on civic activism, leadership, communication, public relation and advocacy, and constituency building. Additionally, networking/exposure visits throughout Afghanistan enabled the participants to meet with civil society leaders, media, and members of parliament, government officials and international organizations.
The program provided the opportunity for the 34 Civil Society Emerging Leaders to interact with current civil society leaders and activists and facilitated exchange of ideas among participants and the broader civil society community of Afghanistan by bringing together like-minded individuals working to create positive change within their communities and the country
Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC)
CAHPO is member of Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC). Meanwhile, CAHPO is active member of WASH and Protection Cluster as well.
Experience in Agriculture and Livestock Programming
CAHPO is currently implementing the LRP program that provides different assistances to target community including skill training in agriculture and livestock. The existed teams in CAHPO are experienced enough in designing and implementing of agriculture and livestock programs in particular in drought affected areas such as Jawzjan and Faryab provinces.
Experience in WASH Program
CAHPO has long term practical experience in WASH projects and expanded its program to other provinces. Highly experienced new employees and expertise in WASH program have joined to CAHPO in 2021 and developed our capacity in sector in particular relevant to AHF WASH program. CAHPO current team of WASH are the strongest team those obtained significant experiences of works with other international and national organizations such as ZOA, DACAR, etc. The Program Director of CAHPO is a highly qualified person who worked for 18 years in ZOA as WASH technical engineer and program in-charge. CAHPO is capable enough in handling of different size WASH program in Afghanistan and have access to all parts of the country.